
Together through thick and thin, we are in the same boat! Jifang industrial control warmly welcomes employees from hubei to "go home"

Column:Company News Time:2020-03-30
This morning (March 30), under the leadership of general manager li hongming, senior executives and heads of various business units of jifang industrial control company are waiting for a group of "special" family members to return...

The moon falls shen heng, the mountains and rivers are intact.

Thanksgiving stick, accompanied by deep feeling!

This morning (March 30), under the leadership of general manager li hongming, senior executives and heads of various business units of jifang industrial control company are waiting for a group of "special" family members to return, that is, hubei employees of the company who have not returned to work due to the outbreak.


It is reported that the company had prepared this warm and warm welcome ceremony for these hubei employees in the park early in the morning. General manager li led the company's management and the heads of various business units to participate in this special welcome ceremony to welcome all the hubei employees back safely and healthily, and to eliminate everyone's psychological burden.

In addition, Mr. Li also made a very warm little gesture, and prepared a red envelope of condolence for each returning employee from hubei province. Those who had received the "will" were deeply touched and grateful.


Although the sudden outbreak of the epidemic extended the time for hubei employees to meet with everyone, it did not prevent the kyrgyz people from caring about each other. After the outbreak, the company is always concerned about the safety of everyone.

During the epidemic period, the leading group of industrial control and prevention in kyrgyzstan urgently contacted local retail enterprises and sent supplies such as rice and cooking oil to the workers and their families in hubei province, providing them with warmth and security. Arrange a special person to contact the contact, at any time to pay attention to their health status, and ask them to stay at home at ease, cooperate with isolation.

At present, the level of epidemic prevention and control in many areas of hubei province has been reduced to low risk. Jifang industrial control co., LTD created various favorable conditions to assist these employees to return to work. All the employees from hubei province not only got the health "green code" of relevant functional departments, but also isolated themselves for 10 days after returning to the company.


During the epidemic prevention and resistance period, jifang industrial control strictly implemented the epidemic prevention requirements of the government, carried out disinfection treatment without dead corner to the company every day, and arranged full-time staff to take the temperature of employees at each entrance and exit, to ensure that the epidemic prevention and the resumption of work.

Li has always stressed: the company's epidemic prevention and control of the string can not be loose, the company's development of the work should also speed up. This time, the employees from hubei returned to their posts in a comprehensive and orderly manner, indicating that the company has fully resumed work.

This action not only guaranteed the safety of employees after the resumption of work, but also focused on the enterprise's humanistic care for employees. Any problem, we can face together, this is the responsibility of an enterprise.

The haze will eventually disappear, the virus will be repelled, we go through this time together, we experience the test and temper together, we will usher in the spring.